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Tankattrappendeckel Geschlitzt, Neue V-Max

 article picture / picture will follow soon...

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This cover made of glass fiber reinforced plastic comes with air vents and replaces the stock "a little boring look" cover and matches optical to the side cover article 718P.
We deliver this item unpainted, but with material certificate.
Therefore, please provide the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
Die zu brav aussehende original Abdeckung und passt optisch
zu den Sitzbankseitendeckel 718P.
Wir liefern sie unlackiert, jedoch mit Materialgutachten, daher
bitte die Fahrgestell Nr. angeben.

..next article of this group

Suitable for V-max model years 2009 onwards (New Vmax)

A pricelist covering all of our articles can be found here (acrobat reader required)